
Frequently Asked Questions

What about the school nurse? Doesn’t she/he take care of sick students at school?2024-03-05T15:31:23-09:00

The school nurse initially sees students during the school day who are ill or injured. In cases beyond the usual scope of school nursing practice, she may refer them to the ASBHC for care. Students cannot go to ASBHC for illness or injury without initially being referred by the school nurse.

Are services offered during the school day or after school?2024-03-05T15:32:28-09:00

Schedules will vary by school. In order to minimize class disruption, we anticipate having high school clinic hours during the student lunch-time, some class times, and immediately after school.

Can my student see an ASBHC provider without my consent?2024-03-05T15:33:17-09:00
  • No. Parents must give consent before services are provided. All ASBHC forms must be complete for a student to receive care from one of the providers. However, parents should be aware that any adolescent can legally access other care in the community for “diagnosis, prevention or treatment of pregnancy, and for diagnosis and treatment of venereal disease;” [Alaska Statute Sec. 25.20.025.]
Do I have to consent every year?2024-03-05T15:34:09-09:00

Yes. Similar to your private health provider’s office, you have to update information, including consent, every year. Parents can consent for services during the annual, online registration. Parents may revoke consent anytime, by contacting the ASBHC.

How much will services cost?2024-03-05T15:34:51-09:00

Services are NOT free. We bill private insurance, Denali KidCare/Medicaid, etc at scheduled rates. ASBHC also has a sliding fee scale based on the federal poverty guidelines using the family size and income to determine the cost. The minimum fee for services is $10, but no one is refused care based on inability to pay.

What if my student is sick at school and I have not completed paperwork?2024-03-05T15:40:05-09:00
  • Verbal consent can be given to ASBHC Staff by parents for sick students when the school nurse refers them.

Do I have to consent every year?

  • Yes. Similar to your private health provider’s office, you have to update information, including consent, every year. Parents can consent for services during the annual, online registration. Parents may revoke consent anytime, by contacting the ASBHC.
What if my child has siblings who might also be ill? Can they be seen at the ASBHC clinic?2024-03-05T15:40:24-09:00

Yes, with parent consent, and transportation to and from the clinic.

If my child needs a prescription for his/her illness, can the ASBHC provider write it?2024-03-05T15:40:32-09:00

Yes. However, the providers cannot write a refill prescription for medications they did NOT initially prescribe.

If students need services beyond what ASBHC can provide, where will providers refer students?2024-03-05T15:40:40-09:00

Based on the medical needs of students, students and /or parents will be given a wide spectrum of providers in the community to access additional care, if necessary. Student/family financial and transportation issues will also be considered to identify the best fit when students are referred.

What if my child already sees a pediatrician or other provider?2024-03-05T15:40:50-09:00

With your consent, ASBHC will advise your child’s other provider about any services received.

Note: ASBHC encourages every student and family to have a medical home to ensure continuity of care.

Will providers address sex and reproductive health?2024-03-05T15:40:58-09:00

Similar to a pediatric or family practice office, patients are screened for risk regarding pregnancy, disease, and relationship violence.

  • In accordance with ASD Sex Education Guidelines, providers will tailor the appropriate information based on the patient’s age and maturity.
  • Patients will be counseled by medical professionals on best practices for the prevention of pregnancy and disease, including abstinence as the most effective way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, but also information about contraception options available. Prescriptions for contraception will be considered based on the needs of the student.
  • Providers will encourage students to discuss sexual decisions with a parent or trusted adult.
What other funding is used to cover care for students?2024-03-05T15:41:08-09:00

In addition to billing revenue, ASBHC receives funding from the United Way, Anchorage Education Association, Alaska USA Federal Credit Union, and Individual Donors and Pick.Click.Give.